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sales@kingtontech.comIn-circuit Testing (ICT) involves measuring and testing all the components present on the PCB. This process helps identify defective components, which can be replaced accordingly. Here are some of the key benefits of ICT:
This testing procedure helps identify manufacturing defects of a PCB such as open connections, solder shorts, and wrong or missing components.
It is very easy to program an in-circuit tester. It can be done by taking files from the PCB layout.
It takes very less time for the ICT process to do a comprehensive check of the circuit, and in this less time it helps detect all power and ground shorts.
Power up testing is a type of ICT, which almost eliminates the need of customer debugging.
In-circuit testing has the capability to carry out several tests without applying power to the Device Under Test (DUT). This helps perform safe testing, and protects the assembly from any potential damage.
Function testing (FCT) is the process in which the functioning and the electrical performance of the PCB is checked. It is typically the last step testing done before the PCB assembly is shipped to the customer. In this type of testing, the functioning of the entire PCB assembly is tested rather than individual components. Some of the key benefits of functional testing are as follows:
In functional testing method, the operating environment of the DUT is simulated. This helps a customer save a considerable cost by eliminating the need to buy actual testing equipment.
In some cases, functional testing eliminates the need of performing system tests that can be expensive. This helps save on financial resources, as well as time.
Functional testing helps improve the quality of the final product by making it error-free and robust.
With this method of testing, one can test 50% to 100% of the product being shipped. This cuts down the efforts and time required for an OEM to test and debug it.
Low cost
Versatile and customizable by design
Does not affect the life of the board unlike other tests that overstress it