Technology support
Technology support

Technology support

KINGTON R&D PE will assist and support customers in the design stage with below items:

Value-added Technical Support

PCB|FPC|Flex-Rigid design option:

-> DFM(design for manufacturability ) analysis

-> DRC analysis

-> Optimized stackup design

-> Impedance matching calculate and verify

-> Small pitch BGA design case support (less than 0.5mm pitch)

-> VIA ON PAD technology support

-> HDI technology support

-> FR-4 , Aluminum core, FPC type PCB design rule and Fab rule support

-> FPC stackup and material design support

-> Flex-Rigid PCB design rule support

-> Metal core PCB design rule support

-> High frequency PCB design support, ROGERS , RO4350B, RT5880, RO4003C

-> DFEMA (Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) analysis on Gerber


BOM and Components option:

-> Components parameter checking with datasheet

-> Out of stock components search

-> Footprint checking with datasheet

-> Pick&Place file check with Gerber

-> Hard and old parts checking and sourcing

-> Alertnative parts verify

PCB reverse engineering

-> PCB reverse engineering , PCB copy and PCB clone

-> BOM (bill of material) reverse engineering

-> Schematic diagram reverse engineering

-> Burn program, program reverse engineering to hex file or bin file

-> Test and debug